
Global trend report: future workspaces 2021

The rapid pace of change is affecting how people work, live and connect. Whether it is the Global Pandemic,Climate Change, the Gender Pay Gap or Advancements in AI, at Aura, we believe organisations who best adapt to these changes can collectively fuel progress, solve problems and accelerate opportunities to transform their business.

In this annual report, we share the top global trends affecting the workspace covering the following areas and more, in-depth.

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The role of technology in closing the “digital skills” gap

There is a generational shift in the workforce as over half of all employees are Millennials and Gen Z. This presents challenges that must be faced in order to eliminate age-based discrimination and ensure everyone is equipped to carry out their role effectively.

Ways of working have had to evolve

Mobile and home working, coupled with cloud-based solutions and global collaboration tools, mean employees can now experience a better work-life balance. Businesses are faced with the reality that they must adapt to these changes as employees seek better support and more opportunities.

People are more loyal but less focussed

As businesses support and protect employees during the global pandemic, we’ll see a renewed loyalty amongst the workforce and a greater sense of camaraderie and group mentality which must be harnessed to prepare for the future of the economy.

The digital “sell” is the new normal

With the business handshake now a distant memory, those trying to sell a product or service have had to adapt their entire strategy to engage with their audience. From body language to the digital wave hello, and even your new office background, these are all key consideration in the new “digital sell”.

Communication overload

Home-working creates a significant shift in focus with communication becoming the number one business challenge. Businesses must facilitate communication by offering reliable and efficient channels to collaborate.

Home sweet home

People are actively reappraising life; what is important to them, what is not, building better bonds and turning old taboos into the new norm and thus, businesses are facing the challenge of providing better work-life balance as lockdown begins to ease and we return to physical work locations.

Workspaces will be reimagined

The impact of COVID-19 will affect how office spaces are structured and managed for the long-term. A bigger focus will be placed on both physical and mental well-being to encourage employees to return to the office and assure them of their safety.

Audiences are equal

In 2021, there will be a sharper focus on equality & socialism, from enhanced healthcare services to universal basic income, as the current climate forces governments to create fairer and more just societies.

With comments from our executive board including CEO Alpesh Unalkat, CTO Tom Scott, and COO Sajan Shivshanker, our global trend report offers insights into the impact of digital transformation, providing you with the tools to plan for a more successful future. Download it here today:

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